Employee education and training


Training policy

As human resource is the key element and precious assets to an enterprise, Asia Optical has complete training systems and programs. Provide employees various training and learning maps with emphases on functionality, gradually, continuity and planning. Equip employees with individual self-development room.

Training promise

Provide position trainings so employees could acquire practical skills and knowledge. Provide multi-learning pathways and working environment.

Training system

Classify training system as four categories: freshman training, functional training, step training, and self-development.

Freshman training

Train on company introduction, organization policies, enter-factory notice, working environment…etc. Help freshman employees free from worry, get better understandings of company and improve working morale.

Functional training

Based on the key skills of different positions, provide employees novel professional knowledge, enhance personal characters, attitudes, motivations, help individuals and company divisions to reach organizational goals.

Advanced training

High-level management training (Manager/Assistant Manager and above), mid-level management training (Section Manager/ Deputy Section Manager),entry-level management training (Supervisor and below) and employees training.


To promote employees' abilities, provide various new concepts, knowledge, and skills. Help employees to self-develop toward competent professionals. Trainings include computer skills, foreign language learning, advanced studying such as EMBA.

Learning resource pathways

Employees enrich the learning life any time through Asia Optical's five dimension learning program and resources.
.Inside company training program
.Outside company training program
.Practical training
.Supervisors and peers instructio
.e-Learninge-Learning online learning system